In one of the cartoon episodes, she meets another artist who is also of a rather shy, sensitive disposition. There is just one problem...he is a pig...typically shown as the arch-enemy of the Angry Birds.(here's a screen-shot).
As of this time, Willow and this unnamed artist have been seen together in just two episodes. In these episodes it is quite clear however, that they are friends with one another.
So this is where my comic book comes into play.
The premise of my story is that their friendship goes from strictly platonic to the level of boyfriend/girlfriend young-love with maybe a dash of forbidden love just to make things interesting. Below, I have some sketches and drawings I have done for my comic book which are not quite ready for digitizing.
These first two are by far the most in-depth ones I have done yet for this project. Done on sketchbook paper with a combination of colored and sketching pencils and a charcoal pencil for some of the shadow effects. The scene is that of these two friends enjoying watching the last bit of the sunset from a cliff-side vista. What really makes these work is that they are the same scene from two different angles, the first is from the back and the second from the front. I spent several hours working on the coloring trying to get the effects I was looking for...

This next one shows Willow feeling a bit embarrassed about a compliment she received from her porcine friend and fellow artist. It was done on printer paper with sketching pencils.
And finally, for now anyways...this one shows the two artists hard at work painting a sunset from the beach. In my story this is the point in which their friendship blossoms as it were. It was done with pencil and colored pencil on cheap college-ruled notebook paper...I have found that going from notebook to printer paper and then to sketchbook paper is a good way to go. So consider that to be your tip of the week.
So until next time...as always...keep it artsy!