This week I am going to go for the double punch so-to-speak, I am posting two count 'em two separate posts this week so as to make up for not doing last week on account of spring break. This first one has two pictures I did for a fan-fiction writer with their explicit permission mind you. If you are unfamiliar with fan fiction it is something worth checking out. Now I know that stereotypes abound with fan fiction writers being typically girls of the preteen age group fitting in with the screaming fan girl and writing nothing but saccharine-sweet romance stories. Well, I won't deny that there are certainly writers who fit that model, but in my own experiences, there are writers who put a great deal of effort into their stories, These two pictures come from such a story.
The story's title is All of My Heart written by the talented individual known as Sorrelwing, It is a story that takes place in the world from the movies Rio and Rio 2. You don't have to see the movies to make sense of what is going on, but it might make things a bit easier. Anyways, on to the art

This is an original character that belongs to Sorrelwing, his name is Rojo and he a Scarlet Macaw and Leader of the Scarlet Macaw Tribe, I will not say any more save for I did this picture using a combination of colored pencils, charcoal, and sketching pencils on sketchbook paper.

Stay tuned for the next post where I will exhibit some art from one of my top 10 addictions of all time...I don't want to spoil the surprise, but being the nice guy that I am I will give you a hint...These pictures might just leave you with a fowl temper.
Until then...Keep Artsy
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