Hey there Bloggers, I hope you have enjoyed this blog as much as I have enjoyed making it I will admit freely that due to outside obligations (namely other classes) and my own procrastination issues I have not been spending as much time as I would like maintaining this blog. and just a note to people who have only glimpsed at my blog, do not hesitate to leave constructive criticism in the comments box, I am fairly new to this whole building a blog thing so I am bound to make mistakes.
Anyways, this whole thing about procrastination makes me think of a particular breed of animal that is known for its really laid back attitude that being pigs. Now I know what you are thinking "What do pigs have to do with art?" Well, perhaps I should have been more specific I am not talking about the pigs you see on the farm or in children's educational programming. I am talking about that certain breed of green pigs given birth by Rovio the company that brought us Angry Birds (c) and all the spin-off games, comics, cartoons, and in a few months a full motion picture.
I have here three drawings I did for an idea that I came up with that took the Angry Birds and the Bad Piggies in one of those "time-travel" sort of games. These are not my best drawings I will be the first to admit but I had fun drawing them.
This one if you have difficulty reading the writing is called Napoleon Bonapork
and the caption reads: "Viva la Oink!"
This one is called Pablo Pigcasso

This one is probably the goofiest of the lot, on account of the numerous bad puns (and trust me if I say a pun is bad well, you know it is really corny). It is called William Hogspeare and the quotes read: "To Eat or Not to Eat that is the Question?" and "Oh what is in a name? An egg by any other name would taste as yummy!"
I am currently working on a pig-based comic strip idea and when I get it completed and polished I will see that it gets put up for you my semi-adoring fans.
Well, until next time, keep it artsy!
Hello!! I don't know much about painting, but I think that you are amazing for publish your pictures in your blog every time.